Friday, June 25, 2010

Redondo Beach

Here's a good story from the Easy Reader on Redondo Beach's budget situation. Hermosa's facing a tough situation but so is Redondo Beach, so is Manhattan so is every district in the State. If you get mad about this stuff (and you should), act locally, get mad globally - well - at least get mad on the State level.

Parents and teachers filled the boardroom at Redondo Beach Unified School District headquarters Tuesday night in hopes of saving jobs and books. But the school board, facing a $3.6 million budget deficit, reluctantly passed a budget that includes the layoffs of 16 teachers and the elimination of a popular language arts workbook.

School board president Drew Gamet, himself a teacher, expressed deep remorse.

“You try to stay level as a leader in the community, but at the same time you are a parent, and I have a daughter going into third grade next year and this is just killing me,” Gamet said. “It is killing all of us…The kind of decisions we have to make are horrific.”

All the rest HERE.

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